Audit Scotland Article – “Serious concerns” over Clackmannanshire Council

Audit Scotland have published an article about the well publicised financial problems of Clackmannanshire Council.
The article refers to the Accounts Commission as being their source.
You can read the full article by clicking on this link …..

The link to the Best Value Assurance Report by the Accounts Commission is…

It contains information like this….
Clackmannanshire faces many challenges

9. Like most areas of Scotland, the population of Clackmannanshire is ageing;
by 2033, one in four people in the council area will be over 65. Over the next
20 years the population is expected to decrease by 2.4 per cent, against a
national expected increase in population of 8.8 per cent in the same period.

10. Clackmannanshire has significant concentrations of deprivation, including Alloa South and East and Tullibody North and South. People living in deprived areas have fewer resources and opportunities, for example in health and education.
Nationally, Clackmannanshire has the eighth highest concentration of deprivation of the 32 Scottish councils. Full-time jobs in Clackmannanshire pay less than the Scottish average, and pay has fallen by six per cent since 2013, in contrast to a two per cent increase across Scotland.

11. The proportion of school leavers entering higher education in 2014/15 was
26 per cent, well below the Scotland rate of 38 per cent. There are around 9,000
children in Clackmannanshire, with around 2,000 (22 per cent) living in workless
households and 2,400 (27 per cent) living in poverty.