Proposal for Clackmannanshire Council & Police Scotland to share office space

Clacks Project

Clackmannanshire Council and Police Scotland are exploring the possibility of co-locating police operations in Clackmannanshire at Kilncraigs, Alloa.

In particular, both organisations would like to know the views of tenants, local residents and Community Councils.

We invite you to read our frequently asked questions and provide your thoughts on our online survey. The consultation runs from Friday 1st June to Tuesday 31st July 2018.

OR Ask for paper copies at your local Library.

Updated Planning Permission For Alva House Gardens

Part of the May 2018 Alva planning applications that were published on this site a few days ago was missing.
Below is the missing details
Full details can be viewed here –>

Reference 18/00087/FULL
Application Received Thu 19 Apr 2018
Application Validated Tue 08 May 2018
Address Alva House Gardens Alva Clackmannanshire FK12 5HU
Proposal Erection Of Shed For The Storage Of Mechanical Equipment And Vehicles
Status Awaiting decision
Appeal Status Unknown

Validated Planning Applications For Alva – May 2018

Links to validated Planning Applications For Alva during May 2018

Alterations And Single Storey Extensions To Front And Rear Of House | 20 Cleuch Drive Alva Clackmannanshire FK12 5NY

Erection Of 104 No. Houses With Associated Infrastructure And Landscaping | Land To South East Stirling Street Alva Clackmannanshire

Removal of Restrictive Occupancy Condition 02 of Planning Permission No C/92/172/01 | Alva House Gardens Alva Clackmannanshire FK12 5HU


Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership Ideas, Innovation, Improvement Fund

The Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership have allocated money from the Integrated Care Fund (ICF) for one–off grants to support the development of new or existing third sector initiatives which build capacity within communities in order to encourage health and wellbeing. This money is being administered by SVE and CTSI through the Ideas, Innovation, Improvement (I.I.I.) Fund.

Please click on the link below to access full details

April Community Breakfast

Social Corporate Responsibility & Fair Work

This month CTSI will be launching a range of new enterprise activities that we hope will benefit the whole Clacks community – and to help us do that we are taking over part of the dearly-loved Liberal Club on Mar Street, Alloa  just next to our CTSI Connect Centre.

Community Breakfasts – 9.30-11am

Thursday 26th April

Liberal Club on Mar Street, Alloa

We want local businesses to continue to build relationships and partnerships with the third sector and through joint-working develop good reasons to visit, live and help grow the local economy in Clacks. Come along and find out more about this.

Book via Eventbrite

Kind regards,

Zoe Adair

Events and Membership Assistant

Alva Outdoor Gym, Official Opening, Saturday 14 April 2018

Alva now has an Outdoor Gym in the town’s Cochrane Park where you will have a beautiful view of the Ochil Hills and can listen to birds singing while using the new equipment including an Air Walker, Ski Stepper, Rower, Twister, Sit Up Bench and The Pendulum which are all fixed on rubber grass matting.

Sandra Rees, Alva Community Council introduced Alva’s very own Kenny Cook to the crowd of approx. 50 people who turned up for the official opening of the facility.  After saying a few words about the benefits of physical exercise and the outdoor gym in particular, Kenny ‘cut the ribbon’ at the ceremony.  Kenny who is now the Active Community Officer, Clackmannanshire Council, is a well known athlete who won the Hill Race at Alva Games in 1986, completing the Senior race in 19 minutes 30 seconds having been placed 4th, 3rd and 2nd in previous years and prior to that he won the Junior Hill Race in 1981 and 1982.

Nominations Now Open – Volunteer Awards 2018


Volunteers’ Week is fast approaching us, and we are accepting nominations for this years’ Awards Ceremony from Monday 12th March.  It has been another incredible year of volunteering locally, and with The Year of Young People in full swing, we are keen to have a focus on our young people throughout the year, and beyond!

As the saying goes “You make a living by what you get.  You make a life by what you give”.  In Clackmannanshire, we can certainly see evidence of this giving in our communities, and the benefits that giving can reap to those who dedicate their time to others.  Volunteers, and Volunteer Involving Organisations enhance our communities, local services, their lives, and touch the lives of others.  So once again we are coming together this Volunteers’ Week to celebrate this life and energy in our communities.

This year, our ceremony will be held on Friday 1st June, from 6:30pm at Alloa Town Hall.  It is sure to be an evening of entertainment and celebration for those invited.  We have eleven different categories that volunteers/groups can be nominated and receive recognition for.  To ensure the Ceremony is a success, we are reliant upon you making nominations using the attached form.

The categories are:
–       General contribution
–       Newcomer of the year 2018
–       Long Service Award 2018
–       Young Volunteer of the Year 2018
–       Sandy’s Choice 2018
–       Trustee of the Year 2018
–       Health and Wellbeing Volunteer of 2018
–       Fundraising Group of 2018
–       Community Impact Award 2018
–       Outstanding Team of the year 2018
–       Enterprise of the Year 2018

For more information on each category please see the nomination form here.

Please complete this form and return to by Friday 27th April.  If you have any questions relating to nominations, please contact Louise on 01259 213 840.