Alva Glen Workday- Sunday February 4th from 11am till 1pm

Hi All,
The first workday of the year is on Sunday.
Lots of things to do including:
Litter picking,
Sweeping the steps,
Clearing the decomposing leaves from the path through the gate at the top of the steps,
Preparing the the new beds, where the trees have been felled, for planting,
Sorting out the brash pile by the entrance to the glen so that it is easy for the council to chip-they get upset if it is not arranged properly! 
Clearing the lade area of saplings and weeds.
Hope you can make it on Sunday.
Cheers Glyn.

Notice of Poll for the Local Government By-Election

Notice of Poll – Local Government By-Election: 
Ward 2 – Clackmannanshire North – Thursday 1 March 2018
Notice of Poll for the Local Government By-Election which will be held on Thursday 1 March 2018.

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Audit Scotland Article – “Serious concerns” over Clackmannanshire Council

Audit Scotland have published an article about the well publicised financial problems of Clackmannanshire Council.
The article refers to the Accounts Commission as being their source.
You can read the full article by clicking on this link …..

The link to the Best Value Assurance Report by the Accounts Commission is…

It contains information like this….
Clackmannanshire faces many challenges

9. Like most areas of Scotland, the population of Clackmannanshire is ageing;
by 2033, one in four people in the council area will be over 65. Over the next
20 years the population is expected to decrease by 2.4 per cent, against a
national expected increase in population of 8.8 per cent in the same period.

10. Clackmannanshire has significant concentrations of deprivation, including Alloa South and East and Tullibody North and South. People living in deprived areas have fewer resources and opportunities, for example in health and education.
Nationally, Clackmannanshire has the eighth highest concentration of deprivation of the 32 Scottish councils. Full-time jobs in Clackmannanshire pay less than the Scottish average, and pay has fallen by six per cent since 2013, in contrast to a two per cent increase across Scotland.

11. The proportion of school leavers entering higher education in 2014/15 was
26 per cent, well below the Scotland rate of 38 per cent. There are around 9,000
children in Clackmannanshire, with around 2,000 (22 per cent) living in workless
households and 2,400 (27 per cent) living in poverty.

Appeal For Budget Feedback Forms


There have been in excess of 250 Budget Feedback Forms handed out so far, yet only NINE have been handed into Alva CAP and ZERO put in the Collection Box in the Co-op.

With the deadline of Feb 2nd just over a week away and the data on the entry forms needing to be input manually before that, could we please get those forms back a.s.a.p.

You only have one chance to express your views and this is it!!

Thank you 🙂


The Clackmannanshire Council has made the above named Order under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) on 18th December 2018.

The effect of this Order shall be to close to vehicles:-

The period from 0800 hours on Monday 22nd January 2018 until 1700 hours on Sunday 18th February 2018, on the section described in Schedule. The temporary closure is necessary to allow excavation for new gas, electric and water mains.  Pedestrian access will be retained.

The document for this order is available to view/download here

A copy of the Order, together with a copy of the relative plan, is available below or may be examined at Clackmannanshire Council’s Offices, Kilncraigs, Alloa, FK10 1EB, and any Council Office/Library, during normal office hours free of charge.

New Detailed Budget Options Booklet

Clacks Council have published a more detailed version of the Officer proposed budget cuts on Clacks Web.
Access Here –

Remember you can give your feedback online here –

or pick up a paper copy at Alva CAP


Budget Proposal Feedback Forms

Can I just remind everyone who has a Budget Proposal Feedback Form to
return them to the CAP (Library), that it doesn’t need to be during opening
hours and that no envelope is needed.

There is no personal information required to identify you and the CAP has
a letterbox you can put it through.
To date, approx. 200 forms have been handed out and only TWO returned.

Please do your best to return them in during this coming week as all the
data has to be entered online for you by the end of the month.

If at all possible, please click on the link below to give your feedback online.
Online Feedback Form

Thank You

Clackmannanshire Awards – Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year

Do you know someone who deserves to be nominated for the “Citizen of the
Year” Award or the “Young Citizen of the Year” Award?
The Council is looking for individuals who have contributed to helping out in
the local community, or has been there for others in times of need.
The winners of the two awards will be announced at an awards ceremony in
the Council Chambers, Kilncraigs, Alloa on 6th March, 2018.
Nominations can be made online at

Please provide as much information as possible about the person being
nominated. The closing date for nominations is 26th January 2018. Further
information is available by calling 01259 452011 or by emailing
Provost Murphy looks forward to receiving your nomination.