Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 Planning Application Pre-Application Consultation
Bracewell Stirling Consulting on behalf of Allanwater Developments Ltd are
conducting a pre-application consultation on the following development proposals:
A PUBLIC EXHIBITION will be held in the ALVA LIBRARY from
MONDAY 15th JANUARY 2018 till THURSDAY 18th JANUARY 2018 during normal opening hours
and a
DROP-IN DISCUSSION SESSION will take place in the COCHRANE HALL from 12 NOON UNTIL 6.00PM ON FRIDAY 19th JANUARY 2018, when the proposals can be discussed with the design team.
Anyone wishing to obtain further information or comment on the proposal should do so by writing to:
Sam Sweeney Bracewell Stirling Consulting 38 Walker Terrace, Tillicoultry, FK13 6EF by 21st February 2018

Please Note: No Application has been submitted to Clackmannanshire Council in relation to this proposal. Any comments made to the prospective applicant at this time are not representations to the Council and would not be considered as part of any future application. If the prospective applicant subsequently submits a formal application for planning permission there will be an opportunity to make representations on that application to the Council.

Budget Cut Proposals – How To Have Your Say

Did you know you can have your say about the drastic 2018 Council Budget Cut Proposals?
Here are your options…

If you haven’t already, to look at the Clackmannanshire Council 2018/19 Budget Consultation –  View/Download PDF Booklet Here
and give your response online here at Your Budget Proposal Views as proposals include…

  • Closure of Alva CAP (Library)
  • Community Asset Transfer of Alva’s Cochrane Hall
  • Reduction in Secondary School Subject Choices
  • Provide (Reduce) School Transport to Statutory Levels
    Paper copies of the consultation are now available at Alva CAP where completed responses should be returned.  (There is a letterbox so we are not restricted to returning the forms during CAP opening hours).

    Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface (CTSI) with Clackmannanshire Council are holding a public consultation meeting to seek YOUR views on the impact the proposed cuts will have on the ALVA community. 
    This will take place on Tuesday 9th January, Cochrane Hall, 6pm to 8pm. We will be there with paper copies of the consultation for those who want them.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Alva Community Council would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

If you have enjoyed the Christmas Lights on some of the town’s lamp posts this year and would like to make a donation towards next year’s display you can now do so using our new online donation facility by using the DONATE button or by clicking on this link – Donate Here
Alternatively there are collecting tins in some of the shops.

Could we remind you, if you haven’t already, to look at the Clackmannanshire Council 2018/19 Budget Consultation –  View/Download PDF Booklet Here
and give your response online here at Your Budget Proposal Views as proposals include…
  • Closure of Alva CAP (Library)
  • Community Asset Transfer of Alva’s Cochrane Hall
  • Reduction in Secondary School Subject Choices
  • Provide (Reduce) School Transport to Statutory Levels

    Paper copies of the consultation are now available at Alva CAP where completed responses should be returned.  (There is a letterbox so we are not restricted to returning the forms during CAP opening hours).

    Representatives from Alva Community Council and Community Action Plan Group will be in Alva town centre on Saturday 6th January to raise awareness and will have paper copies of the consultation to issue to those who want them.

    Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface (CTSI) with Clackmannanshire Council are holding a public consultation meeting to seek YOUR views on the impact the proposed cuts will have on the ALVA community.  This will take place on Tuesday 9th January, Cochrane Hall, 6pm to 8pm. We will be there with paper copies of the consultation for those who want them.


Grow Wild Community Project Funding 2018

Grow Wild Community Project Funding 2018 –
Now open for applications!

Have you got a ridiculously exciting idea for a project that brings people together through activities that help connect their community and celebrate UK native wild flowers, plants and/or fungi?

Awards of £2000 or £4000 are available for groups to transform their space, do something new or creative.

Please get in touch with Grow Wild to discuss your ideas or you can also look at our web page Grow Wild Community Project Guidance, for more information on how to apply.Contact Stéphanie Baine,, if you have any questions of for the link to the online application form.

Applications need to be in by 15th January 2018 for your chance to join Grow Wild’s project network.

Be inspired by previous Grow Wild community projects. Click here to visit our interactive map and read their profile pages.

Sign up to the Grow Wild newsletter for the many free offers, competitions, blogs and lots of amazing information at

  • In spring 20018, groups can register for free Grow Wild seed and fungi kits to share.
  • Get Creative Youth Awards of £500 will be open in 2018 for young people to showcase their creative talents

2018-19 Budget Consultation

Here is the 2018-19 Budget Consultation

Proposals put forward by officers for budget savings are now on the Council’s website.
Council will make decisions on these proposals and any others that are received during the consultation period at a meeting in mid-late February 2018.

If unable for any reason to use the online facility, staff at the CAP’s will be able to help.


+ Abercromby Place , Alloa
SGN Mains Replacement Works
Estimated period: Tuesday 12th September 2017 to Monday 19th March 2018

+ Tron Court, Tullibody
Upgrade to shopping precinct
Estimated period: Monday 2nd October 2017 to Friday 2nd February 2018

+ Eastern Link Road , Alloa
Gas Mains Replacement (TTL’s Req) (Road Closure for part)
Estimated period: Monday 16th October 2017 to Tuesday 12th December 2017

+ A91 Hillfoots Road, Alva
BT OPENREACH- Access to Underground structure – cabling for new customer connection (TTL’s Req)
Estimated period: Monday 13th November 2017 to Friday 1st December 2017

+ Park Street, Alva
Sewer Connection (Road Closure)
Estimated period: Monday 20th November 2017 to Saturday 2nd December 2017

+ Queen Street, Alva
Sewer Connection (Road Closure)
Estimated period: Monday 20th November 2017 to Saturday 2nd December 2017

+ Main Street, Tullibody
Installing Parking Bays and Zebra Crossing (Road Closure)
Estimated period: Monday 20th November 2017 to Monday 4th December 2017

+ Park Street, Tullibody
BT/MUS Network Upgrade Works (Road Closure)
Estimated period: Thursday 23rd November 2017 to Monday 27th November 2017

+ Park Drive @ Weavers Way, Tillicoultry
Network Upgrade (2 Way Lights)
Estimated period: Thursday 23rd November 2017 to Monday 27th November 2017

+ A91 Outside Holeburn House , Pool Of Muckhart
Access to Overhead Network – cabling to restore customer service
Estimated period: Friday 24th November 2017 to Friday 24th November 2017

+ High Street/Mill Street, Alloa
Christmas Lights (Road Closure 7am-7pm)
Estimated period: Saturday 25th November 2017 to Saturday 25th November 2017

+ Main Street, Clackmannan
Christmas Lights (Road Closure 5pm-7:30pm)
Estimated period: Sunday 26th November 2017 to Sunday 26th November 2017

+ Main Street, Clackmannan
Carriageway Resurfacing (Road Closure)
Estimated period: Sunday 26th November 2017 to Sunday 26th November 2017

+ Murray Square, Tillicoultry
Christmas Lights (No Parking 2pm-7pm)
Estimated period: Sunday 26th November 2017 to Sunday 26th November 2017

+ Rose Street, Tullibody
Scottish Water Ironwork Repairs (Road Closure)
Estimated period: Wednesday 29th November 2017 to Wednesday 29th November 2017

+ A977 @ Castlebridge , Forestmill
Demolition Works (TTL’s & 10 Minute Road Closure)
Estimated period: Thursday 30th November 2017 to Thursday 30th November 2017

+ Park Place & A91 Dollar, Dollar
Winter Festival (Rolling Road Closure 4:15pm-5pm)
Estimated period: Saturday 2nd December 2017 to Saturday 2nd December 2017

+ C101 from Menstrie to MuirsideRoundabout, Menstrie
Gas Mains Replacement (TTL’s Req)
Estimated period: Monday 8th January 2018 to Saturday 20th January 2018

+ Alloa Road, Tullibody
Utilites & Street Lighting Crossings (TTL’s Req)
Estimated period: Monday 15th January 2018 to Sunday 18th February 2018