New Planters Installed

Thanks to a team of Alva Community Councillors and assistants,
Alva now has a colourful 3-tier planter at each end of the town.
Well done team, Alva is now brighter than ever!!


Alva Glen Heritage Trust Needs Your Help

It’s come to our attention that Alva Glen Heritage Trust needs more
volunteers to help with their monthly clean-up program.
It takes place on a Sunday once a month.

We all love our Alva Glen and are so grateful to the vast improvement
of the Glen and the illuminations when they have the funding to hold
the event.

If you can be of any help, I’m sure the whole of the Alva Community
will be eternally grateful to you and the work this organisation does for us.

To contact them, send a message on their Facebook page which is

Thank you
Graham Burt

#GrowClacks in Tillicoultry and Alva

Join us for an event focusing on community growing hosted by Greenspace Scotland and Clackmannanshire Council

Wednesday 31 May, 3-5pm
Ben Cleuch Centre

Park St, Tillicoultry

Sign up to the event here or join us on the day.

If you are growing already – you could be a member of a community garden, a garden volunteer with the local school or an allotment plot holder – then this event is for you.

If you are not growing anything (apart from maybe weeds in your own garden!) but you would like to give it a try – then this event is also for you!

The programme will be a mixture of presentation, discussion and a walk outside – so please come dressed for the weather. Children are welcome, but must be supervised by an adult.

The aim of this event (and others across the area) is to develop a Local Allotments and Food Growing Strategy for Clackmannanshire and we need local people to tell us why, where and how they would like to be growing their own food.

If you can’t come to the event then you can fill out a survey to let us know about how you are growing your own or if you are not – why not. The survey will be available shortly.

You can find us on Facebook @GrowClacks here:

Sign up to the event here

For more information contact: Andy MacPherson, Clackmannanshire Council

Ea O’Neill,  Greenspace Scotland Phone: 01259 452 639 Phone: 01786 849 757

Email: Ea.O’

This project is funded by the Central Green Scotland Greenspace Network Development Fund

Funbox Present Highland Fling

Funbox present Highland Fling at Alloa Town Hall on Wednesday 21st June. Join in the family fun with Anya, Kevin and Gary and Bonzo the dog. –

Hoots mon and help ma boab! Take the high road (or the low road) and get roamin in the gloamin for Funbox’s brand new show. Join Anya, Kevin and Gary and Bonzo the dog as they take a trip to the Highlands of Scotland to battle midgies, become monarchs of the glen and hear the skirl of the bagpipes in their latest singalong adventure. There’s silliness galore and songs to sing in this crazy new show for 2017. You’ll need to help us get the Funbox open – which contains everything you need to sing a song or have an adventure – but which of our special keys should we use? You may even be lucky enough to help the gang on stage!

Packed with family favourites like ‘Buy Me A Banana’, ‘Shove yer granny aff a bus’, and ‘The midgies are comin ‘, as well as brand new songs, Highland Fling is the perfect treat for kids of all ages – from nought to ninety

Wear something Tartan and join the hoolie

Highland Fling is at the Alloa Town Hall on Wednesday 21st June with performances at 10am and 6pm.

For tickets and information phone The Booking Office on 01259 213131 or follow us on  facebook for information. or see our website here

– See more at:

Temporary Road Closure Notice For The Fun Day Parade

Below the main text is the Temporary Road Closure Notice For The Fun Day Parade issued by Clackmannanshire Council.

Please join in the parade if you can, The A91 through Alva Town Centre will be closed for the duration of the town’s very first Fun Day Parade which leaves at 11.45 from Brook Street, outside Alva Baptist Church at 1 The Green,  Alva, FK12 5JQ.Those taking part should meet there at 11.30am.  The parade will amble along the A91 from the Johnstone Arms to the entrance to the Cochrane Park. Police Scotland are assisting with traffic control.

Alva is bracing itself for an invasion of Superheroes for the town’s Fun Day on Saturday 27 May.  Organisers, Alva Community Council are expecting a host of Superheroes to join real life Elsa, Anna, Moanna, Ariel, Spiderman and Ironman on a colourful musical parade along the main street to the Cochrane Park led by Classic Cars and the Tartan Juggler.

This year’s theme was chosen to bring our community together to celebrate the courage, strength and hope that superheroes represent.  We are hoping that local school children and adults from Alva and the surrounding area will dress up as one of the popular Superheroes or indeed create one of their own.

In the park there will be Bouncy Castles, Slide, Roller Coaster Simulator, Kick Darts, Trampolines, Kids Rides,   Face Painters, Owl Magic, Tombola, Refreshments, Ice Cream, Candy Floss, Motorbikes, Fire Engine, Mountain Rescue and of course various stalls.  There are competitions including the opportunity for teams to dress up a town centre bollard in the Superhero theme with a £50 prize for the winner.  Anyone interested in having a stall or entering competitions can collect forms from Alva Library, Higglety Pigglety shop in the town centre or download from the main post on this website at
For further information email or call 07979 476 466

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The Great Tapestry of Scotland Exhibition

Hi there,

Just a wee email to say hello and introduce myself as the new Creative Heritage Officer for CTSI covering The Great Tapestry of Scotland exhibition this Summer.

My role will primarily involve working with schools and community groups to provide a programme of educational creative workshops which highlight the heritage of Clackmannanshire, and managing other events, workshops and talks around the exhibition itself.

I will also be encouraging and training volunteers who are interested in arts and heritage to assist in the curation of the exhibition. A key aim of this exhibition is to achieve an increase in uptake from groups who are historically less likely to engage in volunteering (such as young people, or those with barriers).

We have lots of activity going on to promote the tapestry event, and I see this as a perfect opportunity to showcase Clackmannanshire as a whole, so I would love everyone to really get behind this and shout about what we have to offer.

For more updates on The Great Scottish Tapestry exhibition in Alloa this summer please visit, like the facebook page @thegreattapestryofscotlandinclackmannanshire
and Instagram – greatscottishtapestyinclacks 
We are also encouraging any clacks related posts do adopt the hashtag #discoverclacks

We also have flyers available with details of times and a map to the exhibition. Please call Hannah or Lesley on 01259 213840 to order them free.

To enquire about volunteering, request a workshop for a group (or to host one yourself!) or If you can help in any other ways to support and promote the Tapestry visit, then please get in touch.


Hannah Ford
Creative Heritage Officer

With a background in community arts I have spent much of the past decade working with community groups, volunteers and individuals on a vast range of projects including painting, graffiti, textile and digital media. As a practising artist I mainly produce large watercolour paintings, however I have a constant urge to be working with my hands and am continually working on knitting, sewing and any other tactile project that I come across.

I’m so excited that the Great Tapestry of Scotland is coming to Alloa, and I see it as a wonderful focus of inspiration to promote the wealth of culture and heritage we have to offer here. Alloa is a town full of history and rich in the arts and I hope the exhibition will create opportunities for us to unite and celebrate what we have to offer within the community itself and to promote Alloa further afield as a truly cultural destination.

I look forward to working with community groups, schools and voluntary organisations to develop their creative skills, encourage them to engage with local arts and heritage and to have a chance to show off just what we are capable of. I am also excited to create volunteering opportunities for people to develop a real connection and  passion for our community and to get the chance to show off what we have to offer here


Public Warning about Giant Hogweed

It was brought to everyone’s attention at the Alva Community Council meeting on Monday 8th May, that there is Giant Hogweed near Alva Academy and Greenhead area. There could be more within the Alva area. If anyone recognises any anywhere, please contact Clacks Council on 01259 450000 and ask for Environmental Services.  Please refer to the photos below so that you can recognise it.

This is potentially a very dangerous plant to touch/come in contact with as it causes severe reactions such as a prickly heat sensation and painful blistering of the skin.

NB: Anyone having any reaction after coming in contact with it, will require to get medical help immediately.