MONDAY 13th September 2021
VENUE; ZOOM 7.30pm

Due to technical difficulties, it was not possible to publish this well in advance of the meeting.

1 Welcome & introductions
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Conflict of Interest
4 Minutes of Previous Meeting June 2021
5 Police report
6 Matters Arising from Previous Meeting- Pedestrian access to primary school any updates? Cllr DB
7 Office Bearer Reports
7.1 Treasurer Report – AS
8 Items for discussion
8.1 Tow ball for using Alva CC trailer – IC
8.2 ADT achieving ownership of Cochrane Hall Toilets – funding GB
8.3 Guid Reads buying shop – funding GB
8.4 Potential friends of the park group – GG
8.5 Potential reinstating Alva CC face to face meetings – BD
9 Convener Reports
9.1 Planning – Alva CC representation for planning Allan Water Homes. 21/00144/FULL any updates IC BD
9.2 Education – HC
9.3 IT – GB
10 Sub-committee reports
10.1 ACRT – GG
10.2 Events – Decision on Christmas Fayre
11 Clackmannanshire Councillor reports
12 AOB at the discretion of the Chair
13 Next Alva CC meeting – AGM followed by inaugural meeting 11th October 2021 7pm

Clackmannanshire Community Council Elections 2021


ARE YOU INTERESTED? If so, take the opportunity to join Alva’s Community Council.

NOMINATIONS will open on 11th August. To get your nomination pack visit: Clackmannanshire Council website from 11th August 2021. Last date for return of nominations is 4pm Thursday 2nd September.

YOUR INVOLVMENT. All members play an important part by thinking creatively about what we can do together to improve the lives of local citizens e.g., work on our community action plan, maintain our planters & Christmas lights & support community events & other community groups.

MOST IMPORTANTLY We need new members of all ages who will be active and bring new ideas for the benefit of Alva & it’s citizens.

Find out more about community councils here
and here!



f: AlvaCommunityCouncil

t: @AlvaCommCouncil

Phased Resumption of Leisure, Library and Payment Services

The Scottish Government road map means that some leisure, sport and library services are allowed to open from Monday 26th April. However, the lifting of restrictions has to be considered in line with the Council’s need to continue to support Covid recovery, specifically the testing programme, the vaccination programme and the Support for Isolation Helpline.

These services are currently supported by staff from leisure and libraries, as well as from elsewhere across the Council, and have to continue to run for the foreseeable future.

Given the continued rates of Covid-19 in Clackmannanshire, the proposal for the re-opening of facilities and services takes a cautious and phased approach. This is similar to the approach taken last year at the end of the first lockdown.

The proposed dates are based on the continuation of the downward trend in the daily number of positive cases.Re-opening will begin with the outdoor facilities at our secondary schools for pre-existing outdoor bookings:·
Monday 26th April – Alloa Academy·
Tuesday 4th May – Alva Academy·
Monday 10th May – Lornshill Academy

New outdoor bookings may be taken as long as the Covid risk assessment criteria can be met and there is capacity at the venues. The phased return of indoor facilities will be dependent on Covid rates.

Please see our website for more information:
where there is also information about the phased re-opening of Firpark Ski Centre.

The Speirs Centre will re-open on Monday for limited library services and cash payments. The Speirs will also act as a drop off point for postal votes. Please see our website for more information:…/librarypaymentsreopeningcv/

Sketches for Benches Competition Time – £50 prizes

Thank you for your interest in the Sketches for Benches competition.  The following are terms and some guidelines.  

  1. Entrants may submit sketch(es) for one or more benches. The benches will be 2 metres long.

  2. Sketches per bench are likely to have several elements on more than one page.

  3. £50 prize money for each sketch/set of sketches per bench chosen to be passed to the Designer.

  4. Anyone of any age may enter, there is no requirement to live in Alva but entrants should have an understanding of Alva and our heritage.

  5. Completed sketch(es) should be handed into Higglety Pigglety shop by 12 noon on Monday 3 May.  Alternatively, scan and email to  
    Include your name and contact phone number and the bench(es) you are entering sketches for.

  6. There is no guarantee that the Designer at Ogilvie will use the sketches passed to him.   

  7. Have a look at the David Ogilvie website (click on link here) and navigate to seats & benches to see what they have done for other customers.  They have said they can’t do anything too intricate as it can weaken a bench.

  8. The Famous Alva Games sketch MUST include
    (1) A Runner
    (2) A Dancer
    (3) A Thrower
    (4) A Cyclist
    (5) The Famous Alva Games logo – which itself has an image of the hill race. (Click here for logo). 
    See the Facebook page of The Famous Alva Games for inspiration…

  9. We have no exact specification for the other 4 benches and you should research the topics for inspiration but the following are suggestions;

Alva Glen sketch could perhaps include a waterfall, etc,
Woollen Mill Heritage sketch could perhaps include a waterwheel, shuttle, spindle, etc.
Silver Glen Heritage sketch could perhaps include a miner.
Alva Community Council sketch should include ‘The Burgh of Alva’ crest – but it will need to be quite big to avoid being too intricate to manufacture. This bench could perhaps also include something inspired by the design of the Cochrane Park gates.
Click here for the crest
Click here for suggestion No. 1
Click here for suggestion No. 2

Rise in the number of positive Covid cases in Alva

A letter was sent from NHS Forth Valley to Clacks Council who then relayed it to ACC, there is a concerning rise in the number of positive Covid cases in Alva this week. Please get tested, full information in the letter below.

Public Health at NHS Forth Valley has made us aware this week of a concerning rise in the number of positive Covid cases in Alva this week. This is the message we have from their Director: Dr Graham Foster, Director of Public Health, NHS Forth Valley, said: “We have seen a sharp increase in the number of positive cases in Alva and surrounding areas over the last few weeks and evidence of spread within local communities and households.

I would therefore like to encourage local people to get tested even if they currently feel well as there is evidence that some people can have Covid-19 without displaying any of the common symptoms.” Can you please use your networks to encourage people to go for a test – there is a mobile testing unit at Alloa Town Hall car park Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays and Mondays.

More information about how to book a test is on our website:

Your assistance is much appreciated,
Kind regards,
Karen Payton
Team Leader – Communications and Engagement

FREE bike service

Scott Bamford to Alva Community Council

Hi Folks,

I am working the the Clackmannan Development Trust and we are able to offer a FREE bike service to those who live in Clackmannanshire.

Postcode is important for funding.
Please e-mail me on to arrange a service.

You must be able to drop off and collect from Clackmannan Main street, this can be done can be bike secure and COVID safe way.

Scott Bamford

Scottish Child Payment Information

This new benefit will open on Monday 15 February 2021.
It’s a payment for families on certain benefits or tax credits.
Eligible families will get £40 every four weeks for each child
under six.

Find out more at
or call us on 0800 182 2222.

Fact Sheet

What is Scottish Child Payment?
It’s a new payment for families on certain benefits or tax credits to help towards the costs of looking after a child. It’s £40 paid every four weeks for each child under six.
It opens on Monday 15 February 2021 but we are taking applications now to help us
manage demand.
Who can get it?
People can apply for Scottish Child Payment whether in work or not.
People may be eligible if they, or their partner, are the parent or full-time carer of a child who will be aged under six on 15 February 2021 and if they get certain benefits or tax credits.*
*Child Tax Credit, Income Support, Pension Credit, Working Tax Credit, Universal
Credit, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), income-related Employment and
Support Allowance (ESA).

How many children can qualify for Scottish Child Payment per household?
Every child under six in a qualifying family will get a payment.

How do people apply?
We take applications via our freephone helpline on 0800 182 2222, by post or online at

Why are you asking people to apply now?
We are expecting a huge demand for this new payment. Encouraging people to apply now means we can check that we have all the information and evidence we need to make a decision once the benefit starts on Monday 15 February.

What evidence will be required?
We need evidence that the person applying is responsible for a child under six, usually through the child being named on a benefits claim. If more than one person applies for the same child we have a process for deciding who gets the payment, prioritising the person who the child lives with for the majority of the time.
Kinship carers can demonstrate responsibility for a child with a legal order or letter of support from a local authority.