Monthly Public Meetings – New Venue

With the completion of the new Alva CAP within Alva Primary School, all monthly Public Meetings will now take place in the CAP.

Our next meeting is on Monday Jan 14th at 7.30 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.

Details of all our meetings and events can be found on our Facebook page @

A huge thank you to Rev David Fraser and Alva Baptist Church for their hospitality over the last 4 years by allowing ACC to hold monthly meetings in their hall.

Unconventional Oil and Gas Consultation

The Scottish Government is currently finalising its policy position on the development of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland.

As part of that process the Scottish Government is inviting views on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and partial Business, Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) of their preferred policy position, that the Scottish Government does not support the development of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland.

These assessments are necessary before the policy position can be finalised and are the latest steps in the approach that the Scottish Government has adopted on this issue.

On 28 January 2015, the Scottish Government put in place a moratorium on unconventional oil and gas development in Scotland. This prevents hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for shale oil and gas, and coal bed methane extraction taking place.

Scottish Government undertook a far-reaching investigation into unconventional oil and gas, including a four-month public consultation, Talking “Fracking”, which concluded in May 2017 and received more than 60,000 responses. You can read more about Talking Fracking here:

On 24 October 2017, the Scottish Parliament voted in favour of the Scottish Government’s preferred position of not supporting the development of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland. This preferred policy position was set out in a written statement on the Scottish Government website on 07 December 2017.

The practical effect of the current moratorium, and the on-going policy-making process, is that no fracking or other unconventional oil and gas activity can take place in Scotland at this time. Further information can be found on the Scottish Government website at:

Any policy decision that has potential for significant environmental effects must be subject to a SEA prior to its finalisation. These requirements are set out in the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. A Strategic Environmental Assessment is a means of considering the likely significant impact of a public plan, programme or strategy on the environment.

As there is potential for significant environmental effects, either as a consequence of industrial activity or as a consequence of not permitting an unconventional oil and gas industry, a SEA is required before the policy is finalised.

Similarly, as there is potential for business and regulatory impacts, either as a consequence of industrial activity or as a consequence of not permitting an unconventional oil and gas industry, a BRIA is required before the policy is finalised.

A partial BRIA has been produced help to assess the likely costs, benefits and risks of the preferred policy position and views are invited on its contents. The final BRIA will build on the partial BRIA and the consultation analysis.

The consultation will close Tuesday 18 December 2018.

When providing views to this consultation on the SEA Environmental Report, the preferred policy position statement and the partial BRIA, there is no need to restate views already covered in the 2017 Talking “Fracking” public consultation analysis report, as these have been, and will continue to be, taken into account as the Scottish Government finalises its policy position on unconventional oil and gas.

Responses to the consultation are invited via the Citizen Space portal:

Alternative formats can be made available on request via

Scottish Water: Get your community ready for winter

We received this email today from Scottish Water.

Good afternoon,

I am writing regarding Scottish Water’s annual drive to encourage customers to heat, insulate and protect their homes this winter.

I have attached some materials for you and your community which can be shared to help provide advice on how to avoid burst pipes in the home and on what to do if a pipe does burst.

I have some physical copies of the leaflet along with stickers which can be used to remind customers of who their plumber is and how to contact them. If you would like me to send these through to you, please send me your address. Unfortunately, I do not have any hard copies of the posters.

The materials can be viewed or downloaded here …………………………………..

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Finally, on our website you will be able find more information, films and advice.

Kind regards
Adam Warner
Corporate Affairs Officer

Scottish Water –

Trusted to serve Scotland

Introduction to Accrual Accounts Workshop

This workshop is for anyone who deals with the accounts within their organisation.

This will be an interactive workshop for you to see good practice and how accruals should be done within your accounts.

1.2 Should the charity prepare fully accrued accounts?
Fully accrued accounts must be prepared by a charity that fulfils at least one of the following criteria:

  • has a gross income for the year of £100,000 or more (this threshold increases to £250,000 for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2011)
  • is a company or a Registered Social Landlord or a Higher or Further Education Institution
  • the constitution or governing document or any enactment of Parliament says the charity should prepare fully accrued accounts, or accounts that give a true and fair view of its financial affairs
  • the trustees have decided that they will prepare fully accrued accounts.
*Please bring a copy of your most recent set of their own accounts this is for so you can have some private review on the day.

To Book, view details on the link below

CTSI News – Clackmannanshire Community Transport Association Meeting

Clackmannanshire Community Transport Association

Meets Tuesday November 13, 2018
CTSI Connect Centre, Burgh Mews, Alloa

10:00 – 12:00 am

Help us write our vision for transport in Clackmannanshire!

CCTA welcomes people with an interest in transport to talk about local issues and community need.

Transport has already been highlighted as a contributory factor to  loneliness and many in our community are worried about changes to bus services but what can we do about it? Come and help us work it out.

For more information about CCTA contact Liz Rowlett at CTSI