Clackmannanshire Council Planning Newsletter

Planning and Building Standards Closedown

The Council will shortly be changing its Planning and Building Standards IT software provider and, consequently, there will be a short internal closedown period during which time we will be unable to receive, validate, register or update any new or current applications. The closedown period will take place from 10:00am on Thursday, 25 October until Monday, 5 November.

During this period, you can continue to submit planning and building warrant applications through the e-Development portal but any applications submitted will be held in a queuing system until after the closedown period.

If you are submitting applications and/or revised information in paper format, these will also be queued and validated in order of date received.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Please do not hesitate to contact either Allan Finlayson, the Planning & Building Standards Team Leader (01259 452 621) or Mark Grant, Business Support Officer (01259 452 540) or email us at if you require clarification of any of the above or need any further information.