Introduction to Accrual Accounts Workshop

This workshop is for anyone who deals with the accounts within their organisation.

This will be an interactive workshop for you to see good practice and how accruals should be done within your accounts.

1.2 Should the charity prepare fully accrued accounts?
Fully accrued accounts must be prepared by a charity that fulfils at least one of the following criteria:

  • has a gross income for the year of £100,000 or more (this threshold increases to £250,000 for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2011)
  • is a company or a Registered Social Landlord or a Higher or Further Education Institution
  • the constitution or governing document or any enactment of Parliament says the charity should prepare fully accrued accounts, or accounts that give a true and fair view of its financial affairs
  • the trustees have decided that they will prepare fully accrued accounts.
*Please bring a copy of your most recent set of their own accounts this is for so you can have some private review on the day.

To Book, view details on the link below