Major Development Proposal

After discussion at last night’s online public meeting (Mon 9th Nov), we agreed that it was in the interest of the Community to make you aware of a major development proposal submitted to the Council. The proposal was made on behalf of Allan Water Homes Ltd for development of land at the West end of Alva.

Although it says on the proposal that we were notified on 28th October, that is incorrect. No such notice has been received and we only discovered this recently.

Except for the most Southerly plot (South of the new cycle path), this area is part of the Local Development Plan.

20/00235/PAN | Proposed Residential Development And Infrastructure Including Roads, Footpaths, Landscaping, Drainage, Open Space And Associated Works | Land North And South Of A91 To The West Of Alva, Clackmannanshire

Planning Application Documents are available here……/…