Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Alva Community Council would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

If you have enjoyed the Christmas Lights on some of the town’s lamp posts this year and would like to make a donation towards next year’s display you can now do so using our new online donation facility by using the DONATE button or by clicking on this link – Donate Here
Alternatively there are collecting tins in some of the shops.

Could we remind you, if you haven’t already, to look at the Clackmannanshire Council 2018/19 Budget Consultation –  View/Download PDF Booklet Here
and give your response online here at Your Budget Proposal Views as proposals include…
  • Closure of Alva CAP (Library)
  • Community Asset Transfer of Alva’s Cochrane Hall
  • Reduction in Secondary School Subject Choices
  • Provide (Reduce) School Transport to Statutory Levels

    Paper copies of the consultation are now available at Alva CAP where completed responses should be returned.  (There is a letterbox so we are not restricted to returning the forms during CAP opening hours).

    Representatives from Alva Community Council and Community Action Plan Group will be in Alva town centre on Saturday 6th January to raise awareness and will have paper copies of the consultation to issue to those who want them.

    Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface (CTSI) with Clackmannanshire Council are holding a public consultation meeting to seek YOUR views on the impact the proposed cuts will have on the ALVA community.  This will take place on Tuesday 9th January, Cochrane Hall, 6pm to 8pm. We will be there with paper copies of the consultation for those who want them.