Nominations Now Open – Volunteer Awards 2018


Volunteers’ Week is fast approaching us, and we are accepting nominations for this years’ Awards Ceremony from Monday 12th March.  It has been another incredible year of volunteering locally, and with The Year of Young People in full swing, we are keen to have a focus on our young people throughout the year, and beyond!

As the saying goes “You make a living by what you get.  You make a life by what you give”.  In Clackmannanshire, we can certainly see evidence of this giving in our communities, and the benefits that giving can reap to those who dedicate their time to others.  Volunteers, and Volunteer Involving Organisations enhance our communities, local services, their lives, and touch the lives of others.  So once again we are coming together this Volunteers’ Week to celebrate this life and energy in our communities.

This year, our ceremony will be held on Friday 1st June, from 6:30pm at Alloa Town Hall.  It is sure to be an evening of entertainment and celebration for those invited.  We have eleven different categories that volunteers/groups can be nominated and receive recognition for.  To ensure the Ceremony is a success, we are reliant upon you making nominations using the attached form.

The categories are:
–       General contribution
–       Newcomer of the year 2018
–       Long Service Award 2018
–       Young Volunteer of the Year 2018
–       Sandy’s Choice 2018
–       Trustee of the Year 2018
–       Health and Wellbeing Volunteer of 2018
–       Fundraising Group of 2018
–       Community Impact Award 2018
–       Outstanding Team of the year 2018
–       Enterprise of the Year 2018

For more information on each category please see the nomination form here.

Please complete this form and return to by Friday 27th April.  If you have any questions relating to nominations, please contact Louise on 01259 213 840.