Phased Resumption of Leisure, Library and Payment Services

The Scottish Government road map means that some leisure, sport and library services are allowed to open from Monday 26th April. However, the lifting of restrictions has to be considered in line with the Council’s need to continue to support Covid recovery, specifically the testing programme, the vaccination programme and the Support for Isolation Helpline.

These services are currently supported by staff from leisure and libraries, as well as from elsewhere across the Council, and have to continue to run for the foreseeable future.

Given the continued rates of Covid-19 in Clackmannanshire, the proposal for the re-opening of facilities and services takes a cautious and phased approach. This is similar to the approach taken last year at the end of the first lockdown.

The proposed dates are based on the continuation of the downward trend in the daily number of positive cases.Re-opening will begin with the outdoor facilities at our secondary schools for pre-existing outdoor bookings:·
Monday 26th April – Alloa Academy·
Tuesday 4th May – Alva Academy·
Monday 10th May – Lornshill Academy

New outdoor bookings may be taken as long as the Covid risk assessment criteria can be met and there is capacity at the venues. The phased return of indoor facilities will be dependent on Covid rates.

Please see our website for more information:
where there is also information about the phased re-opening of Firpark Ski Centre.

The Speirs Centre will re-open on Monday for limited library services and cash payments. The Speirs will also act as a drop off point for postal votes. Please see our website for more information:…/librarypaymentsreopeningcv/