Remembrance Sunday Park Clean Up and Friends of the Park

In preparation for Remembrance Sunday, which this year falls on Sunday 14 November, Alva Community Council would like to organise a clean-up and litter pick in the Cochrane and Johnstone Parks on Saturday 6 November between 10am and 12.

This is an activity we have organised in the past and has been well attended and a great success and has helped keep the park looking tidy. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and lockdown, we have not been able to organise this kind of activity as often as we would have wanted.

We are aware of a few individuals who carry out regular litter picks while out on their walks, and others who have completed maintenance tasks to keep the parks looking good, and we are grateful to them for doing so. We know that the parks are used by many from both the local community and beyond, and that many people have some great ideas about how the parks could be made to offer even more attractions for those that use them.

To that end, Alva Community Council would like to encourage and support anyone that has such ideas or a love of the parks to consider forming a ‘Friends of the Park’ group in Alva, to help to coordinate ideas and work in the parks.

Please let us know if you want to help at the litter pick on the 6 November, or if you would like to be involved in a ‘Friends of the Park’ group in Alva by sending your details to