Report Litter and Dog Fouling


For many people litter and dog fouling are the big environmental issues that affect their quality of life.

Clackmannanshire Council has a statutory duty under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to ‘keep publicly managed areas clear of litter and refuse so far as practicable’.

The approach involves:

  • Cleaning our communities, with each area having their own cleaning schedule to ensure cleanliness standards are maintained. These are undertaken by our grounds maintenance and street care teams.
  • Monitoring litter trends using the Local Environment Audit Management System (LEAMS). This is used to target resources, and to identify emerging problems.
  • Supporting communities on litter related issues. We can help by supplying litter pickers, bags and gloves. For more information visit our Organising a Litter Clear up page.

Report litter & dog fouling

To report litter & dog fouling, please use the secure online form.

£80 fixed penalty notices can be issued by Council officers to anyone dropping litter in the street.

Any unpaid fixed penalties will be pursued through the Court.

Source of information