Rise in the number of positive Covid cases in Alva

A letter was sent from NHS Forth Valley to Clacks Council who then relayed it to ACC, there is a concerning rise in the number of positive Covid cases in Alva this week. Please get tested, full information in the letter below.

Public Health at NHS Forth Valley has made us aware this week of a concerning rise in the number of positive Covid cases in Alva this week. This is the message we have from their Director: Dr Graham Foster, Director of Public Health, NHS Forth Valley, said: “We have seen a sharp increase in the number of positive cases in Alva and surrounding areas over the last few weeks and evidence of spread within local communities and households.

I would therefore like to encourage local people to get tested even if they currently feel well as there is evidence that some people can have Covid-19 without displaying any of the common symptoms.” Can you please use your networks to encourage people to go for a test – there is a mobile testing unit at Alloa Town Hall car park Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays and Mondays.

More information about how to book a test is on our website: https://www.clacks.gov.uk/coronavirus/alloamtucv/

Your assistance is much appreciated,
Kind regards,
Karen Payton
Team Leader – Communications and Engagement