Scottish Government consultation on National Planning Framework 4 – local roadshow event

Please see below for details of a consultation roadshow the Scottish Government are running to engage in the production of National Planning Framework 4.

National Planning Framework 4 – Get involved
The Scottish Government are preparing a new National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) and want to engage with the public, community, voluntary and private sectors, as well as academics, experts and professional bodies.

They are hosting a NPF4 Scotplan 2050 Roadshow which offers general drop in sessions, where you can go along to speak to the NPF team as well as facilitated workshops where you can discuss key issues with other stakeholders.

Our local workshop session is being held on 28th February 2020 at The Barracks, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ, with a workshop between 10:00-12:00 and a drop in session from 12:00-14:00. Should you wish to attend the workshop session, please sign up through this link – Workshop

To start the early engagement stage, the Scottish Government have opened their Call for Ideas which runs until the 31 March. During this period, as well as inviting all individuals and stakeholders to participate in their roadshow, they are inviting written comments. Should you wish to provide written comments, please send them to along with a completed Respondent Information Form.

They want your ideas for what Scotland will be like in 2050 and the changes needed to get there. Whilst any ideas can be submitted, they are particularly interested to hear your thoughts on the following issues:
1. What development will we need to address climate change?
2. How can planning best support our quality of life, health and wellbeing in the future?
3. What does planning need to do to enable development & investment in our economy to benefit everyone?
4. How can planning improve, protect and strengthen the special character of our places?
5. What infrastructure do we need to plan and build to realise our long term aspirations?

To aid consideration and discussion of the above issues, the Scottish Government have prepared background information notes on the policy topics that will need to be addressed when preparing draft NPF4.

These notes set out their existing planning policies; what has changed since they were introduced; and some of the key issues that they want to discuss with individuals and stakeholders.
The questions and background information are set out in the leaflet Have your say on the NPF4.

Resources page has a range of materials to help you to input to the Call for ideas. You will find a leaflet on how to have your say, details of a community grant fund, a self read presentation, doodle maps, postcards and a suggested workshop format to help you discuss NPF4 with your community or colleagues.