Scottish government launches public consultation on fracking

The Scottish Government is currently running a public consultation on unconventional oil and gas in Scotland. The consultation explores the evidence on the potential impacts of shale oil and gas, and coal bed methane, and the technologies involved in extraction, including hydraulic fracturing. The consultation may be of particular interest to you as the area where the shale oil and gas resources have been identified is in your Community Council area.


The consultation can be read and responded to via the Scottish Government’s consultation platform, Citizen Space, at We are inviting responses to the consultation by 31 May.


There are a number of other ways for you to engage in the consultation. In addition to publishing this consultation document, we have launched a temporary unconventional oil and gas website, which you can access here: The site has been designed to provide a user-friendly route to accessing all the materials and evidence that support this consultation. We encourage those wishing to explore the issues further to visit this site.