Sketches for Benches Competition Time – £50 prizes

Thank you for your interest in the Sketches for Benches competition.  The following are terms and some guidelines.  

  1. Entrants may submit sketch(es) for one or more benches. The benches will be 2 metres long.

  2. Sketches per bench are likely to have several elements on more than one page.

  3. £50 prize money for each sketch/set of sketches per bench chosen to be passed to the Designer.

  4. Anyone of any age may enter, there is no requirement to live in Alva but entrants should have an understanding of Alva and our heritage.

  5. Completed sketch(es) should be handed into Higglety Pigglety shop by 12 noon on Monday 3 May.  Alternatively, scan and email to  
    Include your name and contact phone number and the bench(es) you are entering sketches for.

  6. There is no guarantee that the Designer at Ogilvie will use the sketches passed to him.   

  7. Have a look at the David Ogilvie website (click on link here) and navigate to seats & benches to see what they have done for other customers.  They have said they can’t do anything too intricate as it can weaken a bench.

  8. The Famous Alva Games sketch MUST include
    (1) A Runner
    (2) A Dancer
    (3) A Thrower
    (4) A Cyclist
    (5) The Famous Alva Games logo – which itself has an image of the hill race. (Click here for logo). 
    See the Facebook page of The Famous Alva Games for inspiration…

  9. We have no exact specification for the other 4 benches and you should research the topics for inspiration but the following are suggestions;

Alva Glen sketch could perhaps include a waterfall, etc,
Woollen Mill Heritage sketch could perhaps include a waterwheel, shuttle, spindle, etc.
Silver Glen Heritage sketch could perhaps include a miner.
Alva Community Council sketch should include ‘The Burgh of Alva’ crest – but it will need to be quite big to avoid being too intricate to manufacture. This bench could perhaps also include something inspired by the design of the Cochrane Park gates.
Click here for the crest
Click here for suggestion No. 1
Click here for suggestion No. 2