Update on proposed development North and South of A91 at West end of Alva.

Email received from Allanwater Homes re proposed development North and South of A91 at West end of Alva.

Subject: Ref: 20/00235/PAN – Public Consultation details

I’m writing to notify you of the public consultation details related to the above referenced PAN for the land north and south of the A91, Alva. The Public Notices Advert will be in the Alloa Advertiser on Wednesday 16th December (both the print and digital editions) and is set out in the text below.

The public online event will be Thursday 7th January 2021 between 4-6pm where there is the opportunity for interactive discussion, there will then be a 10 day period for the submission of comments to the 17th January 2021.

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2008 Notice under regulation 7(2)(b) Pre-application consultation by the prospective applicant. Proposed residential development and infrastructure including roads, footpaths, landscaping, drainage, open space and associated works, at land north and south of A91 to the west of Alva.

A public online event will commence on 18th December 2020, with information available on a the website www.bracewell-stirling.co.uk/public-consultations/.

This website provides information on the proposals and how to comment on them, and comments can be submitted via the website, or by emailing Gavin Lloyd, Bracewell Stirling Consulting at e: Gavin.Lloyd@bracewell-stirling.co.uk, or by writing to him at Bracewell Stirling Consulting, 38 Walker Terrace, Tillicoultry, FK13 6EF.

Comments will be accepted until 17th January 2021. A live and interactive web-based consultation will also be held on 7th January 2021, which will take place from 4pm to 6pm, and during which time there will be a live question and answer session via the website.

Further information can also be obtained from Nicola McCowan Hill, Allanwater Homes, 24b Kenilworth Road, Bridge of Allan, FK9 4DU
e: Nicola.mccowanhill@allanwater.co.uk
m: 07845 014 541.

This notice does not relate to a Planning Application. Comments should not be made to Clackmannanshire Council. Any comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the Planning Authority.

If a Planning Application is subsequently submitted to Clackmannanshire Council, normal neighbour notification and publicity will be undertaken at that time and you will have the opportunity to make formal representations regarding the proposal at that time. The plans presented at the above event may change before the proposals are submitted as a Planning Application to the Council.

Any queries on the above please don’t hesitate to contact me or Gavin Lloyd from Bracewell Stirling Consulting.

Kind regards,

Nicola McCowan Hill
Planning Manager Allan Water Developments Ltd