Volunteers Wanted

There are currently Seven vacancies on Alva Community Council (Alva CC), and applications from willing volunteers are invited from Alva residents.

The Community Council are currently meeting on zoom because of the pandemic.

Current planning applications, local issues, town maintenance, etc, are discussed, so that the views of the Alva Community can be accurately represented to Clackmannanshire Council and other public bodies. There are also various sub-groups including the Events Group who organise the annual Fun Day and Christmas Fayre and the Alva Community Resilience Team.

This is an opportunity for public spirited individuals to step forward and help to make a difference.

Past minutes are available on our website, which will give an idea of the range of issues and activities involved www.alvacommunitycouncil.org.uk.

Application Forms and Guidance Notes are available from:

Completed applications, addressed to The Secretary of Alva CC, should be returned by Monday 21st December 2020

For Further Information: contact the Secretary at info@alvacommunitycouncil.org.uk

Selection Process

The decision on filling these vacancies will be made at the Community Council meeting on Zoom on Monday January 11th, 2021 which the public are welcome to attend as observers.

If the number of volunteer applications does not exceed the seven vacancies all will be co-opted on to the Community Council provided Eligibility Criteria is met, this is explained on the guidance notes.

If there are more eligible applications than vacancies an open vote will be taken by current elected Community Councillors.